Enquiry Call Center NO:- +91-9209190909

Our Mission

Paramanad college of fire safety training programs,Safety engineering,Advanced diploma in Safety, Fire Engineering & Safety Management,training in the field of Fire Engineering in Nagpur,Pune,Kolhapur,India

Mission & Vision of PCFSM

We are serve to saveto present a conductive atmosphere for education skills suitable to the development approaching generation. We striving to indoctrinate a deep sense of promise to bring about own phases of development young generation given that an opportunity for student within outside the teaching premises for the development of overall individuality to meet all requirement for the challenging global scenario striving to make ethical and moral thinking principles within the students. Encouraging all students for serving our country for its honors in developments and success to establish as one of the premier Institutions of Fire Engineering and Safety Management, in India. We follow for presence and impart the uppermost national standard of teaching and training in the field of Fire Engineering and Safety Management. To produce awareness of The quality of life protection through fire safety teaching programs. To encourage lifelong learning awareness skills, for social and personal development.

Fire Engineering

Fire engineering is the submission of science and engineering ideology to protect people, property, and their environments from the injurious and critical effects of fire and smoke. It encompasses fire protection engineering which focuses on fire recognition, restraint and improvement and fire safety engineering which focuses on human behavior and maintaining a reasonable environment for evacuation from a fire. In INDIA fire protection engineering is often used to include fire safety engineering.

The regulation of fire engineering includes, but is not exclusive to:

  • Fire detection - fire alarm systems and brigade call systems.
  • Active fire protection - fire containment systems.
  • Passive fire protection - fire and smoke barriers, space partition
  • Smoke control and management.
  • Escape amenities- Emergency exits, Fire lifts etc.
  • Risk analysis, including economic factors.
  • Human behavior during fire events.
  • Fire dynamics and fire modeling.
  • Wildfire management .
  • Fire prevention programs
  • Building design, layout, and space planning
Fire protection engineers recognize risks and design safeguards that aid in preventing, controlling, and extenuating the effects of fires. Fire engineers assist architects, building owners and developers in evaluating buildings life safety and assets protection goals. Fire engineers are also employed as fire investigators.
Fire engineers, like their counterparts in additional engineering and methodical disciplines, start a formal course of education and enduring professional development to obtain and sustain their capability. This education typically includes basis studies in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and technical writing. Professional engineering studies focus students on acquiring proficiency in material science, statics, dynamics, thermodynamics, liquid energetic, heat transfer, engineering finances, and principles, Systems in engineering, consistency, and environmental psychology. Studies in ignition, probabilistic risk assessment or risk management, the design of fire inhibition systems, the application and elucidation of model building codes, and the measurement and recreation of fire phenomena complete most curricula.

Safety Engineering

Safety engineering and management is usually understand as applying a set of ideology, structure, processes and procedures to prevent accidents, injuries and other unfavorable consequences that may be caused by using a service or a product. It is that occupation which exists to support managers in better discharging their responsibilities for operational system design and execution through either the forecast of systems deficiencies before errors arise or the recognition and improvement of systems deficiencies by professional investigation of safety occurrences.
Safety management implies a methodical approach to managing safety, including the required executive structure, accountabilities, policies and procedures.
Academicians with established facts, industrial experience, and verifiable capability in training, consultancy, research and education in the field of industrial safety engineering and related areas will deliver and exhibit lectures, tutorials, laboratory researches, and cases in the short term course.
Occupational health deals with all characteristics of health and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on most important prevention of hazards. Health has been defined as "a state of entire physical, psychological and social well-being and not purely the absence of sickness or infirmity." Occupational health is a multidisciplinary field of healthcare worried with enabling an entity to undertake their occupation, in the way that causes slightest harm to their health. Health has been define as It contrasts, for example, with the promotion of health and safety at work, which is concerned with preventing harm from any supplementary hazards, arising in the workplace.

Enquiry Call Center NO:- +91-9209190909

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